Cash ISA Accounts

Important: Cash ISAs for the 2024/25 tax year can be opened online until Wednesday 2nd April or in branch until Friday 4th April. From Thursday 3rd April, online ISA applications will be for the 2025/26 tax year.

Your Cash ISA allowance allows you to save £20,000 each tax-year and receive tax-free interest. You can save up to this amount in any one of our Cash ISA accounts, or you can spread the allowance across multiple accounts - it's up to you!

Account Interest rate Open from Withdrawals Useful information
Fixed-Rate ISA to 30th September 2026

Tax Free 4.00%

Gross p.a

4.00% AER

£5,000 Not permitted
  • Tax-free interest
  • Ages 18 and over
  • Open in branch or online
Fixed-Rate ISA to 31st March 2026 3.90% AER

Tax Free 3.90%

Gross p.a

3.90% AER

£5,000 Not permitted
  • Tax-free interest
  • Ages 18 and over
  • Open in branch or online
90-Day Cash ISA

Tax Free 3.75%

Gross p.a

3.75% AER

£1,000 90-Days' Notice
  • Tax-free interest
  • Ages 18 and over
  • Open in branch or online
Regular Saver ISA


Gross p.a

3.55% AER

£25 Max 2 a year to receive this rate
  • Save up to £1,666 per month
  • Tax free interest
  • Ages 18 and over
  • Open in branch or online
Easy Access Cash ISA

Tax Free 2.90%

Gross p.a

2.90% AER

£100 Unlimited
  • Tax-free interest
  • Ages 18 and over
  • Open in branch or online

What is a Cash ISA?

A Cash ISA is a tax-efficient savings account where the interest earned is tax-free.

To qualify, you must be a UK resident aged 18 or over. ISAs cannot be held jointly. The ISA rules, including the amount you can save each year, are determined by the Government and HM Revenue & Customs and may be subject to change.


How to apply

Our Cash ISA accounts can be opened in-branch, online or by downloading an application form from our website, then emailing or posting it to us.


Transferring an ISA to us

If you haven’t already got one, you will first need to open a Cash ISA with us. You should ensure that the account you’ve chosen will accept transfers from other providers – some of our Cash ISAs do not allow this. You will need to complete a form to make the transfer, which can be obtained from any of our branches. We will send this to your existing provider, and they will send the money to your account.

Time to Review Your Savings?

Book a face-to-face, telephone or online appointment with our friendly team to guide you through our range of savings accounts, and find out if your money could work harder for you.

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How much can I save in an ISA?

You can save up to £20,000 into an ISA in any tax year. If you don’t use this in full, the unused amount cannot be carried forward into the next tax year.

You can save into more than one type of ISA in a tax year, but the £20,000 limit applies to funds in all ISAs. For example, you can pay £10,000 into a Cash ISA and £10,000 into a Stocks and Shares ISA and this would use up your limit.

Can I have more than one Cash ISA open at once?

There is no limit to how many Cash ISAs you can have. From 6th April 2024, you can save into more than one Cash ISA in a single tax year providing you do not exceed your overall £20,000 ISA allowance.

Is the money in my Cash ISA account protected?

Yes, the money in your Cash ISA is typically protected. In the UK, Cash ISAs are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). This protection means that if the bank or building society holding your Cash ISA were to fail, your money would be safeguarded up to a limit of £85,000 per person, per institution.

This FSCS coverage applies to the combined total of all your savings with a single financial institution, including both Cash ISAs and other savings accounts

What is an ISA Transfer?

You can transfer an existing ISA account from one provider to another. This doesn’t count as a withdrawal and any unused ISA subscriptions will move over too. Before deciding to transfer an ISA, you should first check that the receiving ISA accepts transfers in. You should also check whether there are any charges from your existing ISA provider to switch (such as interest penalties on fixed rate ISAs)