Our Volunteering Day at Jump Space

15th November 2023

Some of our employees recently visited Jump Space, a local organisation and specialist recreation centre to decorate their Rest Bite Cafe.

Jump Space | Vernon Hub

As part of our ongoing objective to support local community groups, we award volunteering days to all colleagues. This opportunity enables our team to volunteer at local charities and community organisations of their choice, offering their time and skills to worthy local causes. Recently, some of our employees visited Jump Space - a specialist recreation centre providing Trampolining, Rebound Therapy, and Active/Sensory play to disabled and non-disabled people of all ages - in order to help them decorate their Rest Bite Cafe. 

A Quote From Our Volunteers

One of our volunteers, Dale said:

"It's great to see the positive impact made by transforming the room to be a nice space for parents to relax and enjoy whilst their children enjoy the space. It's nice to see that the team at the Vernon can assist with transforming the room to be a better space for families".

Dan, another volunteer decorating the space said:

"It was a great experience helping the Jump Space team get the new Rest Bite Cafe ready."

About Jump Space

​In a session at Jump Space, the participants work with coaches on the trampolines and are progressively taught a wide range of skills using many communication methods.

When they are not on the trampolines, they are able to choose between different activities: the slide, the swing, soft play, and the sensory room.

Jump Space's aims and objectives are to provide different opportunities to people with disabilities, “allowing them to enjoy physical recreation in a safe, accessible, and understanding environment”. They also offer facilities for sport and recreation for groups or individuals who may have been otherwise excluded or deterred from accessing other clubs and activities. 

The Rest Bite Cafe at Jump Space is now a much-needed chill-out area where Members' families can pop in and experience some downtime, knowing their children are having a fun time in a safe space. The Vernon team put in lots of hard work and everybody at Jump Space was very pleased with the results. It's always great to get out and help our community groups, and this is certainly going to continue into our centenary year.